Never eat these 8 things with bananas, these food combinations can harm your health, are you making this mistake?

Never eat these 8 things with bananas, these food combinations can harm your health, are you making this mistake?

Avoid Eating Banana with These Foods: Banana is not only a cheap fruit but is also very beneficial. Eating a banana gives amazing energy to the body. Potassium, folate, dietary fiber, antioxidants, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, B6, C, magnesium, copper etc. are found in bananas. However, some things should be kept in mind while consuming bananas. Some people drink cold water immediately after eating bananas, consume it at night. There are also some foods with which bananas should be avoided. Know which things are not good for health to consume bananas with (Banana combinations to avoid).

Combination of banana with these foods causes harm

1. According to a news published in TOI, banana should be avoided with milk and milk products. Most of the people eat bananas cut into pieces in milk or drink shakes made of banana and milk. They eat bananas with curd. Avoid doing this. Actually, when you eat bananas mixed with milk fats and other nutrients, the dose of nutrients in the body increases. This causes problems in digestion. In such a situation, you may feel bloating, indigestion, gas, and uneasiness.

2. If you like to eat bananas and there are high protein foods in front of you, then never eat them together. If you take a high protein diet, in which you combine eggs, meat with bananas, then this is wrong. This can slow down your digestive process. While bananas are digested very quickly as soon as they are eaten, combining them with slow-digesting proteins can cause gas and fermentation in the digestive tract.

3. When you eat banana with sugary snacks, baked items, then it can also cause harm. All these are things containing processed carbohydrates. In such a situation, their combination with banana can suddenly reduce or increase the blood sugar level rapidly. This can make some people feel tired. You may feel hungry again shortly after eating.

4. Do you see sweets and bananas placed together on the table and start eating them together? If you do this, then don’t do it even by mistake. When you eat sweet things and desserts with bananas, there is excessive sugar intake in the body. This increases the risk of weight gain and other health related problems to a great extent.

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5. Ripe bananas are easy to digest, but do not make the mistake of eating them with raw bananas. Eating them together can cause digestive problems. This is because green bananas contain more resistant starch. It can be difficult to digest easily. In some people, it can cause gas and bloating.

6. If you eat banana with sour fruits like orange, grapes, pomelo, lemon, then it is not right to do so. This can cause indigestion. Actually, banana and sour fruits contain acidic nutrients. In such a situation, consuming these things can be very harmful for the stomach.

7. Avoid eating bananas with avocado. Both these fruits contain high amounts of potassium. This increases the risk of excessive potassium in the blood. This is called hyperkalemia disorder. It is better that you eat citrus fruits, avocado etc. only half an hour after eating banana.

8. Some people consume cold things or drink cold water immediately after eating banana. Do not consume ice, ice cream, cold drinks etc. with banana. This can cause stomach related problems in some people.

Tags: eat healthy, Food, Health, Lifestyle

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